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Spreading Patriotism and Comfort Across North Texas Since 2005.

3 Causes of Hot and Cold Spots in Your Home in Plano, TX

comfortable woman with no hot or cold spots

You may notice some rooms in your house are cool while others are hot, yet your air conditioning system is running. This phenomenon indicates an underlying condition interfering with your system’s efficiency. Below, we will discuss why there is uneven temperature distribution in your Plano, TX, home.

1. Restricted or Undersized Ducts

Improperly installed ducts can be kinked or not supported properly which will restrict air flow. The way the ducts are installed is just as important as the proper design of the duct system. Undersized ducts can also create hot and cold spots in the home. Balancing dampers should also be installed to help regulate the flow of air to each room.

2. A Clogged Air Filter

As your air conditioning system draws air for cooling, an air filter blocks contaminants in the air from entering the system. By trapping them, the air filter eliminates these pollutants from the indoor airspace, thus protecting your family from poor indoor air quality. With time, the contaminants clog the air filter.

Your system can only cool the air it draws in. A clogged air filter does not allow sufficient air to pass through. Therefore, there will be cold and hot spots in your home since the system cannot manage to circulate the air evenly.

3. An Undersized System

A system falls in the undersized category if its temperature regulation capabilities do not satisfy your home’s temperature regulation needs. An undersized air conditioning system cannot cool your house efficiently, resulting in hot and cold spots.

Consider purchasing a system that matches your home’s temperature regulation needs. A Design Specialist can perform an accurate load calculation and help you get a correctly-sized system.

We always maintain high levels of professionalism and expertise while working on our client’s systems to eliminate all problems. Contact Samm’s Heating and Air Conditioning for quality HVAC services in Plano, TX.

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