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Spreading Patriotism and Comfort Across North Texas Since 2005.

3 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your AC System

AC system repair

Dealing with the extreme temperatures of Plano, Texas, make you want to be sure you have an effective AC system to keep you cool without having your energy bills go sky-high. Here are three signs that you may need to begin planning for a replacement AC system for your home.

It’s More than 10 Years Old

If you’ve gotten more than a decade of use out of your HVAC, you’ve probably gotten taken great care of the system. However, even the most well-cared-for components start to deteriorate after 10-15 years of use, especially when they’re battling our intense summer heat. While you may not like the idea of needing to replace your system every decade or so, however, the savings will outweigh the downside of calling us to install a new HVAC system.

Your Utility Bills are Increasing

Numbers never lie, so a quick look at your utility bills will let you know if it’s time to make a change with your HVAC system. It’s possible that the increase in your monthly utility bills is being caused by a heating and cooling system that isn’t running efficiently anymore. If your bills are going up and you aren’t doing anything differently, it could be time to give us a call to evaluate your need for a new HVAC system.

You’re Making Frequent Calls to Have it Repaired

Even the best air conditioner systems need to be repaired from time to time. If you feel like your current AC system is nickel and diming you, you can figure out if a new system is a better investment pretty easily. If the amount you spent in the last 12 months is over $1000 and your system is in the 10 to 15 year old age window, it’s usually a better move financially to install a new HVAC system.

If you think it may be time to make the change to a new HVAC system, give us a call today. We’ll assess your current system and provide some recommendations on new systems that will save you money while keeping you more comfortable during our summer heatwaves.

Image provided by iStock

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