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Spreading Patriotism and Comfort Across North Texas Since 2005.

Keep Your Family Healthy with Better Indoor Air Quality


Keep Your Family Healthy with Better Indoor Air Quality

According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, people spend almost 90 percent of their time indoors. About 65 percent of that time is in their homes. Although most people consider the air inside their homes to be clean, studies show that indoor air can be more polluted than the air outdoors.

Indoor pollutants include dust, animal dander, cooking odors, exhaust from combustible heating sources and radon. Other pollutants include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from common household items such as cleaning products, cosmetics, paint and craft materials. Building materials and furnishings can also emit VOCs. Concentrations of VOCs can be up to 10 times higher inside than outside. Your heating, ventilation and air conditioning contractor may be the best resource to help improve the indoor air quality of your home or business.

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air pollutants can cause health problems including allergies, asthma attacks for those who suffer from asthma and respiratory illnesses for people with weakened immune systems. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends eliminating the sources of pollution and increasing ventilation to refresh indoor air. An HVAC contractor can evaluate the air quality of your home and recommend products such as UV lights, ventilators, MERV filters and air purifiers that work with your heating and air conditioning system.

Samm’s Heating and Air Conditioning Services

Samm’s Heating and Air Conditioning provides HVAC services to residents of Plano, Texas, and nearby communities. Services include new installations, repairs, 24-hour emergency service and preventive maintenance on all makes and models of equipment. We can help improve the quality of the air in your home or business with air filtration and air quality products. Each product performs a specific function, so it is important to identify sources of pollution and examine ways to control them.

Recommendations may range from replacing standard filters with more efficient filters to installing UV lights to kill bacteria and mold. We are an Award Wining American Standard Dealer and recommend American Standard products for their reliability. American Standard air quality products include humidity control devices, air purifiers, and ventilators that work with central HVAC systems.

For more information about keeping your indoor air clean, call (214) 251-4438 and speak to one of our trained technicians.

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