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Spreading Patriotism and Comfort Across North Texas Since 2005.

What You Need to Know About HVAC Warranties in Plano, TX

HVAC warranties

Manufacturers accompany their HVAC systems with warranties to show their confidence in their systems. When buying a new system, reviewing the warranty is as equally vital as checking the unit’s efficiency. We will cover some key points of HVAC warranties in Plano, TX.

Parts and Labor Warranties

Usually, the system manufacturer will provide a parts warranty, while your HVAC contractor will give you a labor warranty. Most contractors will only attend to a system they installed themselves; so, it’s essential to avoid using different contractors to repair your system when it breaks down. Samm’s can honor any valid manufacturer’s parts warranty.

When a system component becomes faulty, the contractor will replace the part and return the faulty one to the manufacturer. This reduces the time taken to restore your comfort since you don’t have to wait for the manufacturer to ship a new component.

What to Check in a Warranty

Consider checking the system’s warranty before you buy it. Usually, different HVAC components have varying warranty lengths. For instance, critical system components, such as a heat pump’s compressor and a furnace’s heat exchanger, will have warranties that cover them for an extended period of time.

Reputable manufacturers will have a warranty that runs for an extended period of time, such as ten years. The unit could be of lower quality if the warranty duration is shorter than that.

Consider asking HVAC technicians whether they have a warranty-processing fee. Some contractors may charge this fee to cover the paperwork involved when replacing a component.

Factors That May Void Your Warranty

HVAC repairs may not be cheap; therefore, following your warranty’s terms and conditions is essential. Some issues that may void your warranty include skipping annual maintenance, using substandard parts, hiring a contractor who is not certified to install or repair your system and failing to register your HVAC system with the manufacturer on time.

Contact Samm’s Heating and Air Conditioning for exceptional HVAC services. Our professionals will be ready to walk you through the different aspects of an HVAC warranty.

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